
The Coil Project presents “Fiveplay”

Fiveplay is a new play from local playwright Erica Smith (writer of 2014's Come Out and Say It and 2019's Stonefish) and directed by Sean Butler (2017's Tiresias' Tits) taking an affectionate look at polyamory and the modern family. Emerson's dating Sawyer, who's married to Monty, who's dating Ray, who's also dating Avery, who's married to Emerson. And their friend Keegan lives […]

Capitol Hill Art League – Opening Reception for “Untitled”

The Capitol Hill Art League (CHAL) will open its new show, “Untitled” with a reception, on Saturday, April 9th from 5:30-7:30 pm at the
Capitol Hill Arts Workshop (CHAW) at 545 7th Street, SE, Washington, DC. 20003. The show will be on display in the CHAW Gallery, from April 9th to May 6th, 2022. In addition […]