This month we are featuring Seana Gallagher for the Capitol Hill Art League’s Mind of the Artist blog. Read Seana’s story and check out her artwork below.

I became an artist in 4th grade when, upon seeing my sketches, my friend’s mom told me I was an artist. I never questioned it and it has been part of my self concept ever since. My medium is oil paint.

 I took art courses in college and many art lessons over the years but learned the most about materials and techniques through online classes during Covid. I think that the ability to really see what was being demonstrated, the lack of distractions, and well-organized, theme-based instruction led to a big improvement in my work. Another thing that has helped improve my work is painting in plein air. The challenges are great and so is the camaraderie among like-minded painters.

 I am always drawn to portraits. I love to paint portraits of people and also of pets. If I can capture a personality as well as a likeness I feel such satisfaction. 

Art has been an integral part of my life as long as I can remember. I am grateful that I was designated an artist before age and insecurity could allow me to question it. I am grateful for having regular access to masterworks at the National Gallery where I am a copyist and for spending my days doing what I love. The copyist program at the National Gallery of Art offers a unique opportunity for artists to study the techniques of old masters through intimate study in the galleries. For more information see Copyist Program at the link below.

I have a website and also post images to Instagram.

Instagram: @seana1011

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