Art gives me an outlet for my desire to express my creativity and love of beauty in life.
People noted my early paintings would brighten and energize a space in an uplifting way , so I adopted that as my style: playful, uplifting, light-hearted, with bold strokes and colors. Using huge amounts of white paint to brighten things up.
People noted my early paintings would brighten and energize a space in an uplifting way , so I adopted that as my style: playful, uplifting, light-hearted, with bold strokes and colors. Using huge amounts of white paint to brighten things up.
The first thing most people comment on when they see my photography is the color, and I agree — I think color is the beating heartbeat of my work. (My favorite color is all of them!) Many people know me also for my travel photography, and beyond that, I have a niche as the “Door Lady.”
I find inspiration for my painting in my surroundings, and from family and friends. In my neighborhood, on my walks to the library and the nearby Arboretum, I take photos on my phone, and I collect other people’s photos of people, pets, and places that are important to them...I strive to put what I see and feel around me into paintings to create a record of memories for myself and for others.
I continued to take photos throughout my adolescence, young adulthood, and as a parent of four kids while I graduated to more sophisticated and expensive cameras. My kids' growth was extensively documented on film.
I first decided that I wanted to be an artist when I won a drawing contest in the 5th grade. I did a color pencil drawing of a sad clown. After that I took art classes whenever I could.
Many years before I joined the Capitol Hill Art League, I started creating intricate designs using architect’s templates...My process for creating a piece is very “in the moment” which I guess is why I find it to be so meditative. I start out with a
very vague idea of what I want to do and just let the piece I’m working on evolve in the moment.
I learned that I was both arrogant and naive to think I could do in short order that which some spend their entire lives trying to achieve. I see my experiment as a great success, though. I am exhibiting my work, meeting great people, collectors like and buy my work, and I see that surviving as an artist is possible for me ...someday.